I always loved story telling, but I wasn't good with words. My daughter and my niece were my backing force in this step that I took forward. They said me to just go ahead and tell the story. My first book got published. I'm so happy that I did what I always wanted to do without letting the thoughts of how it will be received to weigh me down. Title - The Seasoning Below are the links if you wish to read it Global Distribution - https://www.amazon.com/dp/9390785235 India Distribution - https://www.walnutpublication. com/book/9789390785230/ https://www.amazon.in/dp/ 9390785235 https://www.flipkart.com/the- seasoning/p/itmefb14a3e028ce? pid=9789390785230 For E book https://play.google.com/store/ books/details/Su_Mi_The_ Seasoning?id=XI0pEAAAQBAJ https://www.amazon.in/dp/ B0932S1NFJ Let me know what you think about it Thank you
A peek into what the story The Seasoning is about It’s about Suzy who feels lonely being the only child of her busy parents’. She feels rebelling is the only way to get their attention. As she grows she wanted to be free soul gaining experience from life. However her parents’ were protective of her and wanted her to take the path they had paved for her. Accident, personal loss and depression make her choose a secluded life. In these difficult times, the person she loves who cherished her back, Sung Hoon finds her and stands by her vowing to make her more stronger and happier. A little bit of Seasoning is required by every individual in their lives to bring out the best of them. A well cut diamond sparkles so does a seasoned person. We all need a little bit of sourness, bitterness, sweetness and salty too. A balance of all is an ideal dish. https://www.amazon.in/dp/ 9390785235 https://www.flipkart.com/the- seasoning/p/itmefb14a3e028ce? pid=9789390785230 For E book https://p...
In high school, I remember drawing Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Minnie Mouse, Daisy Duck, Tom & Jerry and painted silhouette of Zorro. Other than this it was mainly sketches of river, mountain and trees. That was it now after many years I started again. It started with me wanting my daughter a 2nd grader to see me beyond cooking and cleaning. It also gave me inner solace over my stress, pressure and frustration which built over years. Painting made me feel happier with a sense of satisfaction. I'm not a learned artist, I went through tutorials on the web mainly Youtube and started trying my hand. Every painting, every canvas taught me and created a passion within. I have my initial works here ...
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